Tim Goldstein's Appearances & Media

Successful Interviewing from an Autistic Perspective presentation for BAC

Uncategorized Aug 14, 2022

There is a great program at BACEmploy in Florida which trains the autistic and PTSD veterans in Google technologies. Solid training in Google technologies and an opportunity to earn a Google certification. This is the second time I have done a presentation for them. The first was the prior student cohort. Check them out at: bacemploy.com/launchit/


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Free Learning Tree Webinar "Neurodiverse: Communication Skills for Everyone"

Uncategorized Dec 08, 2021

Complimentary Webinar •  Earn 1 CEU

Thursday, December 16, 2021 10:00 AM MST - 11:00 AM MST (Noon - 1 pm EST)

Duration: 45-minutes with 15-minute Q&A

Click to Register

In this webinar, you'll learn how to:

  • Create a neurodiverse inclusive experience within your organization.
  • Recognize the neurodistinct Asperger’s, ASD, and autistic adults in your company to understand how they can change your success in communication!
  • Work together on communication, collaboration and mutual understanding to build a strong and successful working relationship.
  • Help neurotypical team members better understand how to relate to and work with Neurodistinct individuals.
  • Reduce tech worker turnover.
  • Improve cross-department communication
  • Increase technical staff productivity
  • Recognize and support neurodiversity as another facet of diversity.
  • Reveal hidden talent in your current staff.
  • Increase technical worker engagement.
  • Release the innovation you already have.
    [Webinar ID#...
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Learning Tree and Tim Goldstein, a Winning Combination for the Neurodistinct in Tech

Introducing: Neurodiversity, Hidden Culture, and Learning the Language Training

Learning Tree and Tim Goldstein have collaborated to create a professionally designed and presented training on understanding neurodiversity and the neurodistinct. While we cover that the neurodistinct include many groups besides autism including ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and other named and unnamed groups in this course the focus is the technical type autistic. We focused on autism based on the positive results from the efforts of global autism at work companies such as SAP, EY, JPMorgan Chase, Accenture, Microsoft, Ford and many other.

This courses takes Tim's unique skill to explain his and others autistics experience through a combination of his lived experience with his ability to explain complex topics in relatable ways. This course is designed for anyone that needs to directly interact with the potentially autistic tech type. It is also well suited to use from a DEI...

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Astra Zeneca's Neurodiversity ERG TH!NK makes a splash with their first seminar

Uncategorized Oct 14, 2021

Astra Zeneca's neurodiversity employee resource group (ERG) held their first seminar and I am honored to have participated. They used a very interesting format which was a little different. They had 3 employees representing ADHD/ADD, Autism, and Dyslexia speak about their experiences in general and at Astra Zeneca. After an employee gave their story an expert on the condition provided context, additional detail, and helpful approaches.

This short video is my commentary on autism. Watching it afterwards I don't know why I said I am a "person with autism" as I prefer identity first and normally refer to myself as autistic or an autistic person. The only excuse I can come up with is this month is Disability Awareness. In the disability community person first language is most common. Guess I have heard enough presentations this month using person first language that my brain went to that instead of my normal identity first position. The joy of being live and unscripted!

Thank you to...

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Companies Tim Goldstein spoke to during Autism Awareness Month 2021

awareness Apr 29, 2021

What a busy month April has been with more events and presentations than I have ever done in a single month. I am excited by the interest in neurodiversity and autism as well as the great reception and adoption my term Neurodistinct is receiving. When explaining neurodiversity through my Neuro Cloud™ graphic concept combine with the term Neurodistinct people seem to become comfortable with the idea and language much more quickly than using non-graphic explanations and academic words no one but experts and some rigid thinking aspies understand.

Below are some of the companies or groups I spoke with during autism awareness month 2021. Formats varied but most had a Q&A section, which is something I always enjoy. Many interesting questions from so many perspective. It was an intellectual feast. No matter the format I made an extra effort to dispel the myth that neurodiversity is autism and instead taught neurodiversity is everyone and there are...

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Guest on Christiane Wirtz podcast Aus Krisen zum GlĆ¼ck (Fortunately out of crises)

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2021

I had the pleasure of meeting Christiane when we connected on LinkedIn. She had listened to me on a presentation I did for General Assembly and though my concepts, ideas, and methods would be helpful for her audience.

Christiane brings a brilliant mind and challenging questions to her podcast. While her audience is primarily German speaking fortunately for me she does do some of the episodes in English. Don't be put off when you initial hear German if it is a language you don't know. Once she finishes the introduction in German Christiane explains what she said in English. With her excellent English we conducted the interview in the one language I know and had a great time chatting and being challenged by Christiane.

Enjoy listening to this interesting episode in the embedded player below.

You can learn more about Christiane and the work she does on her business and personal websites:

 https://christianewirtz.de   https://christianewirtz.com 

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Tim Goldstein and his prior manager Patricia Li featured by Google for Autism Awareness month

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2021

For Autism Awareness Month 2021 Google featured neurodistsinct autistic Googler Tim Goldstein and his neurotypical manager Patricia Li in an interview of their journey together.


Thanks to the media team for such a well done article. Even more thanks to the HR groups for recognizing the value of this story even though it came out of an unofficial event organized by Google's autistic and broader neurodistinct community.


The back story is a few of us autistic Googlers (what us Google employees call ourselves) put on an event titled "Tech on the Spectrum for Managers." We already knew many Googlers are autistic or fall into another neurodistinct category. Unfortunately the only official program to address this innovative and creative segment of their workforce is a data Autism at Work 1.0 program to create a small pilot program to recruit 10 new autistic...

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DisabilityIn Jan 2021 virtual conference

disabilityin Jan 28, 2021

Disability:IN is the leading nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide. Our network of over 250 corporations expands opportunities for people with disabilities across enterprises. Our central office and 25 Affiliates serve as the collective voice to effect change for people with disabilities in business.


In January DisabilityIn hosted a 2 day virtual conference. I was honored to be invited to join the panel on Neurodiversity in Technology. A 3rd panelist couldn't make it so the panel was me and Brend Amundson VP Regional HR Dell Computers. This audio is my pre-panel presentation. With only us two panelist we go to talk for a while. I think you will find it interesting and hopefully helpful.

Apologies for the sound quality of the presentation. It is the audio track off the Zoom recording. Amazing how much it flattens by voice compared to the intro and outro sections. All the more reason people need to learn to control the sound of their voice so...

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Denver Disabilities Network: Neurodiversityā€”What it means and how employers can embrace it in the workplace

Uncategorized Dec 06, 2020

I was honored to be asked to participate with a couple amazing panelists. I enjoy panels as they dispense with the pressure of a solo presentation and I get to learn great ideas from amazing people. Thanks you so much Tricia for trusting me to be a high quality panelist and giving me the opportunity to participate.

The Denver Disabilities Network is a quarterly event featuring speakers, workshops, and the sharing of best practices for disability inclusion. The goal is to bring together interested stakeholders from around the country. By highlighting the skills and talents of people with disabilities, an open discussion of the best practices and desired outcomes between all parties can take place. 

Neurodiversity—What it means and how employers can embrace it in the workplace 

Tuesday, December 8th 2020 DDN Meeting—Zoom Online Platform

This session was designed for attendees who:

  • you desire input in making your workplace, products, or services more...
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My favorite thing every year, guest lecturing a class at Cornell University

Uncategorized Oct 12, 2019

Will at more to this post as I can. A little later this October I will again have the privilege of guest lecturing a class at Cornell University's ILR College. The topic is items that can cause problems for an autistic/neurodiverse person in an interview.

While I have done this for 2 years, it has always been by Zoom video conference. This year I am heading to upstate NY to lecture in person. Will post picture after the trip and plan to post the lecture as an episode on my podcast, Tim Goldstein "Life in the Neurotypical Universe" aka: Life in the Neuro Cloud™ on iTunesGoogle Podcasts , Spotify , Listen Notes and other podcast outlets. Also on my site at podcast.TimGoldstein.com

Plans are to also meet with the recruiters from the Engineering collage to discuss better ways to work with and view the neurodiverse candidate.

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