Tim Goldstein's Appearances & Media

Next for Autism Building a Neuroinclusive Workplace Panel Sept 2024

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2024

In their continuing successful efforts to improve employment opportunities and outcomes Next for Autism is hosting a live panel discussion at UCLA. I feel honored to have been invited as one of the panelists. Super excited with the moderator Ferose V.R. from SAP. 8 years ago at the first autism at work I attended Ferose was one of the presenters. He shared the amazing story of the the event in his career that led him to backing an effort by some SAP employees in India to onboard some autistic individuals. This under the radar program became the impetus for SAP corporate in Germany to create the autism employment program which became the model for companies world wide.


Reserve your seat at NEXTforAUTISM.org/panel24

I will be updating this post now that the event is past and the NEXT for AUTISM crew shared some tremendous photos. But until I have the chance to make the complete update I wanted to post the following poem that Ferose read at the opening of the panel. It was...

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Neurodiversity at Work Employers Roundtable

Uncategorized Jul 15, 2024

One of the powerhouse groups that actively encourages, advises, supports, and shares about employing the neurodistinct is the Neurodiversity at Work Employers Roundtable which is a committee under DisabilityIn. 

For those of you not familiar with this group I will give you my version of who they are and their history. There are over 50 companies involved and range from major corporations such as Microsoft, Wells Fargo, Dell, Chevron, and Southwest to small employers and organizations that provide support and services for companies looking to become more neuroinclusive. History wise it all started with the Autism at Work efforts of SAP, Microsoft, EY, and DXC when Jose Valesco of SAP decided to put on a conference in 2015 to share what the 4 companies and experts they worked with learned while creating their ground breaking programs to employ the autistic. It became obvious there was wide interest in industry to learn more about how hiring and supporting the autistic could...

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Tim Co-presents to Micron Singapore With DisabilityIn's SVP Leslie Wilson

Uncategorized Nov 23, 2023

Life is always full of surprises. Got an email on a Thursday from DisabilityIn's Leslie Wilson, EVP, Global Workplace Initiatives asking if I would like to co-present a session to Micron in Singapore. Unfortunately, it was virtual and not a trip to an exciting destination. She was looking to provide some lived experience insight to go with her always informative presentation. Being one of the less than common, but far from unusual autistics who are always ready to speak if there is a microphone and people to listen, I of course said yes.

I had a wonder time as always when working with Leslie. Our presentation was well received and as Leslie thought having the personal connection of lived experience was very impactful for the group. They definitely felt more comfortable starting on their neurodiversity hiring journey now that they understood we are all humans with the same human traits just in different combinations and intensities.

For me the most satisfying part...

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Tim Presents on Neurodiversity to Google

Uncategorized Oct 05, 2023

Getting Google to recognize neurodiversity and take steps to be neuroinclusive has been a hard nut to crack. With the support of only their VP there is one department that is doing an amazing job creating a grass roots effort. While the official position is those with neurodistinct conditions are disabled and the disability ERG, community, and the accommodations group fill any needs, this group recognizes that neurodiversity is as important as any other type of diversity and only providing support through the disability channels is insufficient and even insulting to the neurodistinct community of Googlers.

While the department has been working on their neuroinclusion effort for over a year, various challenges such as layoffs, shifts in business focus, and change in VP have all worked together so that this is their first event outside of committee and work stream meeting. With an introduction my the AppEco VP I am giving a general neurodiversity awareness presentation with a Q&A...

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Autism Today Hosts Tim In A Panel At Their World Autism Summit

Uncategorized Sep 25, 2023

WORLD AUTISM SUMMIT presented by AutismToday.com on September 25-October 1, 2023.

 Karen Simmons, Gemologist, Founder, Director, Chief Executive Officer & Creator Of AutismToday.com once again goes above and beyond with a 7 day virtual autism conference. Each day focuses on a different aspect of the world of autism.


Tim brings his expertise and lived experience to a panel on Day 4 in the segment focused on Career

World Autism Summit

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Tim Goldstein on Diversity & Neurodiversity at INCLYOUSION 2023 By Kidskintha & Vanderbilt's Frist Center of Autism

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2023

INCLYOUSION 2023 is another example that neurodiversity is gaining understanding and acceptance world wide. This event was created by Devishobha (Devi) Chandramouli from India and Jessica Schonhut-Stasik currently living in Hawaii.

The event was sponsored by two amazing organizations. Kidskintha which is an organization in India that was founded by Devi and Vanderbilt's Frist Center of Autism and Innovation where Jessica is the Project  and Communications Coordinator

I had a very enjoyable session with Devi interviewing me for most of it and Jessica taking over to wrap up and close out the session. The focus of the discussion was how neurodiversity is really a superset of diversity. I believe that it is not the outward markers we so often look at in diversity that make the difference, but how the culture, experience, genetics, and all else that influences a group causes each group to perceive, process, and think about the world differently. So if the...

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Ed Thompson of Uptimize Has a Fireside Chat With Tim Goldstein

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2023

Ed Thompson of Uptimize and Tim Goldstein have deep roots together. They first met back in the mid 20-teens at a SAP Autism at Work conference which was a major event in the birthing of the autism and now neurodiversity at work movement. They hit it off quite well. Even though Ed was living in London and Tim near Denver Colorado they were able to build a relationship as Ed was a frequent visitor to Denver to visit the lady who is now his wife.

Over the years Ed and Tim have collaborated in many ways supporting each other as neurodiversity grew and their prominence in the community rose. They have helped at each other's booths at conferences pre-COVID, shared advice, recorded video training and tips, and participated in client engagement together.

Now that Ed is married, has a child, dog, and a house in the suburbs about 20 minutes from Tim, growth in their individual neurodiversity at work efforts and family demands combined with COVID has caused them to get together just to...

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Tim Goldstein Speaks to the Chinese American Association for Autistic Community About Being Proud to Be Neurodistinct

Uncategorized Jun 10, 2023

Cindy Gap founder of Tech on the Spectrum, leader and frequent collaborator in autism awareness with me at Google, and fearless autism self-advocate invited me to present to and do Q&A for the Chinese American Association for Autistic Community. 

If you would like to watch the presentation and the Q&A the video is available at https://youtu.be/0BW9rFPNzY0 We had an extensive Q&A session and great questions were asked. Once again I see how desperate parents everywhere are for understanding of autism from the perspective of autistic adults and the hope of a fulfilling future for the children as they become adults. Unfortunately, all the parents usually hear is the medical and education culture's deficit oriented view. They hear that the autistic population is severely unemployed with a depressing work outlook. Almost no one tells them about the large number of autistic individuals who are working in all careers and most commonly without the support of a...

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Tim Goldstein in a DisabilityIn video talking about being autistic

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2023

Disability:IN is the leading nonprofit resource for business disability inclusion worldwide. Our network of over 400 corporations expands opportunities for people with disabilities across enterprises. Our central office and 25 Affiliates serve as the collective voice to effect change for people with disabilities in business.

I have worked with DisabilityIn in a number of ways. From giving neurodiversity presentations as a number of there members large and small to serving on the committee that researches and approves DOBE (disability-owned business enterprises) applications.

When they sent out a communication asking for individuals willing to do video for part of their series "People in Disability" I volunteered right away. We had a short timeframe to get the video shot and for Justis to turn my raw footage into a quality presentable piece. He did a great job and I am proud to share my story.

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Children's Hospital Denver, Success Factors to Help Everyone In the Neurocloud Succeed

Uncategorized Mar 24, 2023

This was a fun presentation for a few reasons. About a year ago Liz Green from Link OT and I worked with Children's Hospital DEI head Robert to plan and launch a neurodiversity ERG. But at Children's because of the large number of people working at the hospital but not employed by the hospital Robert made it a TMRG, Team Member Resource Group, so everyone working at their facilities could participate and benefit. So it was great to present to the now up and running group and learn their application to be chartered was recently accepted.

The topic I chose to present is an idea that organizations should be looking at ways to make it easier for all workers to get the support and tools they need to be their most productive selves. This should not be limited to those who have a diagnosed disability and always handled through the legal approach of the ADA, Americans with Disabilities Act. Instead I propose the organization create a list of reapproved items that any worker can request...

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