Tim Goldstein's Appearances & Media

Can the future of tech include Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Uncategorized Aug 10, 2018

Here is a direct link to the article Sarah from Atlassian wrote on the topic. Some quotes in it from me and they credited me as the inspiration to write it.

Can the future of tech include Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Can't resist, here is one of the quotes from me in the article:

"We perceive more flexibility in the world, and that allows us to put pieces together in more creative ways." –Tim Goldstein, neurodiversity advocate

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Great mention about Tim Goldstein on LinkedIn

Got a super nice mention from Aubrey and Sarah at Atlassian in this article they posted on LinkedIn


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Vanderbilt Conference: Initiative for Autism, Innovation and the Workforce

autism at work Jul 15, 2018

 NSF (National Science Foundation) Convergence Workshop

Hosted by: The Vanderbilt Initiative for Autism, Innovation, & the Workforce, Nashville, TN USA on June 14, 2018. 

Tim Goldstein, Neurodiverse Communication Specialist

What I Wish Employers Knew About Autistic Employees
MP3 Podcast Download
PDF Transcript Download


Am amazing event I was thrilled and honored to attend and even more excite with the opportunity to present.

Suzanne Bruyere, Cornell




Lawrence Fung, Stanford Medical




Alexia Ostrolenk, Univerisity of Montreal

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Autism Speaks promo lead to being interviewed for Everyday Health

 I never fail to be amazed how the universe seems to make things happen when you are willing to step out boldly and not stop.

Autism Speaks did a world mosaic to which you could add your picture and a few lines about yourself and autism. I put my story and a video in the mosaic. Months later I was contacted by Autism Speaks asking if I would be interested in being interviewed by a journalist for Everyday Health as an adult with autism.

Had a fun time being interviewed and waiting impatiently for the article to come out.

Click on the photo above or THIS LINK to see my tile and video.

I will update this with the article once it is published.

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Tim interviewed live on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald

Uncategorized Apr 08, 2018

Had a great time and feel very honored to be on Lisa's Living Fearlessly show. Lisa is an amazing interviewer and with her background in developmental disorders brought up some very interesting questions.

You can find the recorded podcast of the live show at

Tim Goldstein interviewed on Living Fearlessly by Lisa McDonald

Transcript of the show will be coming soon.

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Article on Autism and Neurodiversity for HR Professional magazine April 2018

Uncategorized Mar 29, 2018


Got the opportunity to work with Cynthia and have an article on Autism and Neurodiversity in the work place in the April 2018 issue. I so very much appreciate Cynthia's support on this during Autism Awareness Month.

Click on the picture of the magazine above if you want to see the whole issue. Look at page 50 & 51.

If you just want to see my article, click the link below for the pdf.

Click to download the article as seen in HR Professional April 2018

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Stage time at Roger Love's Voice of Success


Karen and I had the pleasure of being invited to join Roger Love on stage at his Voice of Success 3 day seminar. Roger is our vocal coach, persona creator, communication guru, and friend. He has literally saved our marriage and changed our lives. Amazing when we thought we had gotten involved with someone who would just help us to be better speakers.

To learn more about Roger and the amazing talent he has helped go to RogerLove.com

Voice of Success was held at the Zipper theater of the Colburn School of Music in Los Angeles. My best guestimate is over 300 people were there. This is our third Voice of Success event we have attended and everyone has been better than the last and I have always learned something new each time.

Karen and I were invited to talk some about how Roger's training has helped in our relationship. That is easy for us to do as he saved it after the marriage counselor told us we need to get a divorce. We each got to speak extemporaneously for a few minutes. Was...

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An article on Neurodiversity Tim did for Atlassian

Uncategorized Dec 07, 2017

I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with Audrey Blanche who is in charge of global Diversity and Inclusiveness for Atlassian. Based on the Neurodiversity/Autism awareness talk I gave for the kickoff of their new speaker series, we created this blog article to further share the amazingly well-received information.

Check out the article on the Atlassian Blog


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Little bit on the Gig Economy I wrote in ITBiznessEdge.com

Uncategorized Dec 05, 2017

A slideshow presentation by IT Business Edge about positive and negatives in the gig economy. My contribution is slide 10, the last one.

My Slide on ITBusinessEdge.com

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Mile High SHRM Annual Conference Presentation January 19, 2018

Uncategorized Dec 01, 2017

I was invited to present to Colorado's biggest SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) in January on the topic "Understanding and Using Neurodiversity to Bridge the Tech/Non-Tech Divide". This is a 1 hr session and is targeted at the Established Leaders level.

So exciting to see the interest in Colorado to increase awareness, employment, and productivity of the Neurodiverse "A"SD Lister type technical worker.

Conference Info


Tim Goldstein Bio and Session

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