Ed Thompson of Uptimize Has a Fireside Chat With Tim Goldstein

Uncategorized Sep 09, 2023

Ed Thompson of Uptimize and Tim Goldstein have deep roots together. They first met back in the mid 20-teens at a SAP Autism at Work conference which was a major event in the birthing of the autism and now neurodiversity at work movement. They hit it off quite well. Even though Ed was living in London and Tim near Denver Colorado they were able to build a relationship as Ed was a frequent visitor to Denver to visit the lady who is now his wife.

Over the years Ed and Tim have collaborated in many ways supporting each other as neurodiversity grew and their prominence in the community rose. They have helped at each other's booths at conferences pre-COVID, shared advice, recorded video training and tips, and participated in client engagement together.

Now that Ed is married, has a child, dog, and a house in the suburbs about 20 minutes from Tim, growth in their individual neurodiversity at work efforts and family demands combined with COVID has caused them to get together just to chat far less then either would like. In this fireside chat webinar Ed and Tim discuss aspects of how they see the neurodiversity movement evolving as they catch up with each other.

Visit Uptimize.com to learn more about the great work Ed and his company have done as the premier source of training in the latest thoughts and methods of neuroinclusion for companies worldwide.

Ed and I had a great time chatting and some great questions from the attendees. Here is the link to watch the recording Ed & Tim Fireside Chat

With Ed's permission I turned the audio into an episode of my podcast. If you prefer podcasts to video you can find it here Podcast version of the Fireside Chat