Tim Co-presents to Micron Singapore With DisabilityIn's SVP Leslie Wilson

Uncategorized Nov 23, 2023

Life is always full of surprises. Got an email on a Thursday from DisabilityIn's Leslie Wilson, EVP, Global Workplace Initiatives asking if I would like to co-present a session to Micron in Singapore. Unfortunately, it was virtual and not a trip to an exciting destination. She was looking to provide some lived experience insight to go with her always informative presentation. Being one of the less than common, but far from unusual autistics who are always ready to speak if there is a microphone and people to listen, I of course said yes.

I had a wonder time as always when working with Leslie. Our presentation was well received and as Leslie thought having the personal connection of lived experience was very impactful for the group. They definitely felt more comfortable starting on their neurodiversity hiring journey now that they understood we are all humans with the same human traits just in different combinations and intensities.

For me the most satisfying part was at the end when the executive leading the effort said that he sees many of the trait patterns I spoke about in his current workforce and even sees them in himself. This really drove home the point that the neurodistinct are not "them" but are already part of us. Unfortunately all too often we make them conform and don't make it safe for them to share the unique perspectives that come with the less common way they perceive, process, and think. But with the executive speaking openly about seeing a reflection in himself he suddenly made it safe for everyone to be more open about their unique perspective which is the foundation of innovation.