Cornell University IRL College Neurodiversity class lecture Fall 2018

Uncategorized Dec 03, 2018

I once again did a guest lecture session for Cornell University’s Neurodiversity course. Due to the traveling I was doing I was unavailable during the timeslot for the topic I presented last year. Professor Bruyere was very kind as always to fit me into a different class session which meant a shift in topic. The new subject was challenges the neurodiverse have with preparing for and taking a job interview. This was a great fit as I not only had my extensive personal experience, but was also able to draw on a large amount of input from the people on the hiring side I had interviewed for my book “Geeks Guide to Interviews: 15 Critical Items for the Tech Type”

 Teaching this class is my favorite speaking opportunity for a few reasons. Cornell is not very far from where I grew up, so there is a satisfaction from that angle. Professor Bruyere has helped me with advice, suggestions, insight from her amazing work and papers so I appreciate the opportunity to give back in a small way. But, the biggest thrill for me is thinking about the lives that will be impacted as these students’ head into the business and HR world with knowledge and understanding so desperately needed in the corporate world.

Below are a few excerpts out of my class presentation:

Tip sheet for interviewing the Neurodiverse

What's up with all the details